legality: the thousand faces of the mafias

It is impossible to think of any form of southern future without adequate and strong repression of mafias for the restoration of legality. For this reason we have built, as an essential foundation of #SUDeFUTURI, two thematic tables.
The first, which closed the first day, had as a pin Nicola Gratteri. The second, which closed the morning of the second day, Federico Cafiero de Raho.

But let’s go with order. The three-day event organized by the Magna Grecia Foundation provided breaks between tables. Coffee breaks during which to form relationships, put people in synergy, network. Breaks during which our protagonists arrived.

The arrival on Friday afternoon of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Catanzaro animated the Mondello Palace, waiting for the start of the thematic tables closing the day.

The Thousand Faces of The Mafia
coordinated by Paola Bottero Journalist and writer

Inform to Resist: The Duty to Tell Beyond Threats
Julius French President Order of Journalists of Sicily
Carlo Parisi Deputy Secretary General press federation Title

The secret history of the ‘Ndrangheta: getting to know it to fight it
Nicola Gratteri Magistrate and essayist
Antonio Nicaso University lecturer and essayist

On Saturday morning, the police again occupied the hall and reception, waiting for the arrival of the National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor.
Greetings, presentations, interviews, a meeting to set the table, and then again ready to start again.

Legality and democracy: the obligatory road to the South
coordinated by Paolo Mieli Journalist and essayist

Antonio Baldassarre President Emeritus of the Constitutional Court
Federico Cafiero De Raho National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor
Gian Maria Fara President of Eurispes